Roberta Shoemaker-Beal
Roberta Shoemaker-Beal, MFA, ATR-BC
Roberta Shoemaker-Beal is a registered and practicing clinical art therapist. For over 25 years she has worked to develop the inherently curative benefits of expressive arts experiences in a variety of clinical settings, including psychiatric, chemical dependency and adolescent centers and as a consultant in private practice. She served for five years on the executive board of the American Art Therapy Association and was editor of the first AATA Proceedings: Creativity and the Art Therapists Identity. Her early writings were focused on the evolution of consciousness in relation to evolving visual development, including the Guidelist of Observable Dimensions in Artwork. This work paralleled the documentation of a psychophysiology of color related to the evolving awareness of the Rainbow Phenomenon, which reflects a wholistic evolution of development. She served on the board of the C.G. Jung Society of New Orleans, where she began writing the Creative Expressive Journal and research on the “temenos,” the Greek concept of sacred space. Her work has led to workshops across the country building labyrinths and a chapter in Dr. Jim and Roberta Swan’s book, Dialogues with the Living Earth. Currently she and her husband are living in a valley near Wimberley, Texas, where they are developing an environmentally sensitive place called Hidden Creek, which will become a center for the teaching and living out of their discoveries and beliefs.