Consciousness II
The Convergence Of Science
and Spirituality
Presentation by
John Smotherman
Tuesday, July 24th 2012
6:30p Social, 7:00-9:00p Program
Austin Center for Spiritual Living
5555 North Lamar, Suite D-115
The meeting is free & open to the Public
“I’m throwing down the gauntlet for anyone brave enough to jump in the ring. We’re going to get into some nuts and bolts of how to use consciousness to create the life we want. It involves practices for daily application, setting goals, and advancing and refining our techniques. My intention is for people to experience a measurable increase in their quality of life as a result of applying these practices.” —John Smotherman
This discussion is a continuation/follow up of the previous presentation given on July 10 to the Austin IONS Community Group, and will cover some of the major intersections and overlaps of science and spirituality. It will discuss significant currents in spirituality, psychology, sociology, and physics, and how, taken together, they deepen our insight into consciousness and its collective operation.
John Smotherman is a life-long student of consciousness and the author of The Consciousness Paradigm. He also worked as a family lawyer for eleven years. Family law provided an intensive education in everything that could go wrong in relationships. It also provided insight into the interaction of individual consciousness and the collective consciousness as manifested through government. As the intersection between the mind and reality, our consciousness impacts every part of our life experience, activities and relationships. John brings to bear three thousand years of human wisdom on the subject, his experience, and insight, to teach people how to train their minds to most effectively and quickly achieve the life they want. John writes about, speaks, and coaches people on how to liberate and super-fuel their minds in order to achieve their dreams.
Applied Consciousness Systems
The Consciousness Paradigm