SCIENCE WHISPERING SPIRIT: Bizarre Paranormal Evidence
A Presentation by Gary Preuss, Ph.D.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017, 6:30–9:00 p.m.
INACS Nerve Center (directions)
12593 Research Blvd., Suite 302, Austin, Texas 78759
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Open to the public. $5 non-member donation appreciated.
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If you are intrigued by the magic of spirit, miracles, psychic intuition, and life after death, Gary shares a wealth of evidence that these “woo-woo” phenomena are indeed scientifically real. The notion that consciousness dies with the brain is tackled in light of contradictory evidence from verifiable out-of-body and near-death experiences.
Few people converse with loved ones who have recently passed away. Why is that? Research has clearly uncovered the reality of psychic phenomena, yet psychics rarely win lottery jackpots. Why? Repeatedly, fewer people board commercial aircraft that crash than is typical for a particular day. Yet most of us do not consciously recognize our intuitive hints to avoid serious misfortune. Why?
In his book, “Science Whispering Spirit: Bizarre Paranormal Evidence” (published by Balboa Press), Gary has compiled a comprehensive collection of evidence he asserts scientifically substantiates paranormal phenomena. Gary weaves personal stories of his psychic and spiritual guidance into a travelogue that is both spiritual and scientifically disciplined. Exploring the real evidence can inspire us to hone our own intuitive skills, pay attention to them, and utilize them in our daily lives.
Gary Preuss is an economist, scientist, dachshund lover, and spiritual visionary. He had a rural childhood, experienced a month of silence as a Jesuit novice, and worked for 30 years analyzing probabilities. He earned a doctorate in parapsychic science and is fascinated with the links between science and spirituality.
Gary’s book on Amazon: Science Whispering Spirit