How Your Brain Can Benefit from Brain Wave Biofeedback
Presentation by Dennis Romig
Consciousness Connections Meeting
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
6:30p Social, 7:00-9:00p Program
Austin Center for Spiritual Living
4804 Grover Ave Austin, TX 78756
The meeting is free & open to the Public
Book donations are welcome
Presentation Objectives:
Neurofeedback is way to directly balance an individual’s brain waves using feedback from a portable EEG machine and a therapist. Dr. Dennis Romig along with his colleague, Dr. Angelo Bolea, from Annapolis, Maryland has successfully treated ADD, Anxiety, Depression, Epilepsy, Drug Addiction, and Sleep Disorders using neurofeedback. They have also discovered how to enhance brain functioning of individuals pursuing peak performance.
Learn and observe a new form of EEG biofeedback that directly modifies human brain waves and successfully treats, epilepsy, attentions deficit disorders, hyperactivity, depression, sleep disorders, anxiety and traumatic brain injuries.
Participate in a discussion of how the principles of successful brain wave biofeedback can be applied to your brain’s health
Presentation Outline:
- The outstanding successes of brain wave biofeedback
- Understanding Brain Waves (Frequencies and Amplitudes)
- Demonstration of a Brain Wave Assessment
- Demonstration of a Brain Wave Training Session
- Principles of Successful Brain Wave Training
- Group Discussion: How the Principles of Successful Brain Wave Training Can Be Applied To Promoting Your Brain’s Health
Suggested Readings:
Two books that best explain Brain Wave Biofeedback are Getting Rid of Ritalin by Robert Hill and Eduardo Castro and A Symphony in the Brain by Jim Robbins. See the attachment for more information on Dennis Romig and Neurofeedback.
Dr. Dennis Romig is a psychologist and CEO of Side by Side, Inc., a multidisciplinary “Think and Do Tank” in Austin, Texas. He received his Ph. D. from the University of Texas at Austin and did post-graduate studies in neuroscience and brain wave biofeedback from 1999 to 2009 in Washington, DC. Romig, his wife Laurie and his colleague Dr. Angelo Bolea are co-authoring a book, How the Brain Heals Itself.