UFOs and Consciousness, Part II:
Fantastic Facts About UFOs, Altered States of Consciousness, and Mind-at-Large
Presented by Stephen Miles “SMiles” Lewis
5555 N Lamar Blvd, Bldg D, Suite 115
Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 6:30 p.m.
Co-hosted by INACS, SAI, and IONS Austin
RSVP at http://smlewis.eventbrite.com
$5 donation at door appreciated
UFOs and Consciousness, Part I
In a sequel to his 2011 presentation for INACS on UFOs and consciousness, SMiles Lewis will explore “close encounters” and “alien abductions” with an eye toward an interpretation of these events as a transpersonal, inter-species, virtual-reality communications mechanism using out-of-body-like altered states of consciousness. Lewis will speculate on the nature and meaning of these experiences and on the potential manipulation of these phenomena by “alien” and human agencies for parapolitical purposes. Drawing on both witness testimony and the work of the world’s leading UFO researchers, he will discuss possible intelligences (human and otherwise) behind the UFO phenomenon which have the apparent ability to manipulate belief systems, consciousness, space-time, and what some might term the “soul.”
The presentation will address:
- Approaches to the phenomenon
- Physical and psychical
- Historic presence alongside humanity
- Dismissing as purely psychological
- Perception – drugs, DMT, and shamanism
- Mind-at-large and Carl Jung’s collective unconscious
- Parapsychology and altered states of consciousness
- Dreaming together, near-death, and out-of-body experiences
- Crypto terrestrials or a gaian mind
- Human agencies – government, corporate, aboriginal, esoteric
For more information about UFOs and Consciousness, Part I, click here.
Stephen Miles “SMiles” Lewis is an audio production administrator for the Texas State Library Talking Book Program. He is also the founding president of the Scientific Anomaly Institute, vice president and a trustee of the Institute for Neuroscience and Consciousness Studies, a past state section director for the Travis and Williamson County chapters of the Mutual UFO Network, and the Web designer and print publisher of E.L.F. Infested Spaces – Journal of Possible Paradigms. Lewis served as facilitator for Austin’s UFO Experiencer Support Group for nearly ten years and has been interviewed by local and national radio, television, and print media. In 1995 Lewis spoke at the annual conference of the Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness on the subject of UFOs as a transformative paradigm. His interests in both the physical and folkloric research of parapsychology and ufology have led to his collecting and archiving of over 3000 books on these and other topics relevant to consciousness research and to the founding of the Anomaly Archives lending library of the Scientific Anomaly Institute.
Related Links
UFOs and Consciousness: Part I
UFOs and Consciousness Part II
Anomaly Archives
Anomaly Radio
Anomaly Television