NeuroNews: Consciousness Connections Meeting
Tuesday, May 24th, 2011
6:30p Social, 7:00-9:00p Program

6:30p Social, 7:00-9:00p Program
Austin Center for Spiritual Living
5555 N. Lamar, Suite D115/D117
5555 N. Lamar, Suite D115/D117
The meeting is free & open to the Public
Part II – May 24th
- Dowsing the lottery- video & discussion
- Reports are that money has been made using Remote Dowsing and Associated Remote Viewing to determine winning selections. This will be an overview of the techniques used.
- The INACS’ project “Remote Dowsing” – Overview and update
- This project initiated by INACS founder Jim King, will use QEEG to brain scan subjects before, during, and after dowsing training, to determine any differences in mental activity.
- Future research directions and practical applications
Using Remote Perceptions in various applications – can differences in brain activity be determined with EEG, fMRI, and other brain scan methods to determine whether there is a correlation, and what part of the brain is active. Practical applications will be listed.
Remote perception is one segment of a spectrum of ESP related anomalies, from telepathy to telekinesis. The band width includes such diverse phenomena as near death experiences NDE, and out of body travels OBE. Remote sensing protocols and structured training have developed to formalize the field, as opposed to other paranormal happenings such as psychic abilities, which are often ad hoc and not brought forth at will.
These presentations of Remote Perception assumes the validity of the discipline, and hence other paranormal phenomena. So for believers of the gospel, or skeptics in part, this excursion in paraperception should be of interest.
Part I was held on April 26th and included…
- An introduction to remote viewing and dowsing – video & discussion
- The history, development, military involvement, and other aspects of remote Perception will be addressed.
- Selected articles & discussion
PART ONE: Explorations of Remote Perception, Viewing and Dowsing